How can we edit the Order Status email?

20.10.2011 08:51
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: wynchcote
Сообщения: 6
How can we edit the Order Status email?

I have been able to successfully edit the Order Confirmation email layout and the PDF invoice following advice in other posts.

How can one eedit the Order Status email?

I can change the language but not the layout.

I want to insert an image link for a shop header and line spacers to improve presentation.

Have edited the site / templates/ default/ order/ orderstatus.php file.

But this results in no change.

Thanks for help :)

Joomla: 1.7.2
JoomShopping: JoomShopping: 3.2.7
PHP: PHP: 5.2.15
MySQL: MySQL: 5.0.91
20.10.2011 12:33
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
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Aw: How can we edit the Order Status email?



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