Sending statistics when pressing the "ORDER_FINISH" button. (for Google analytics & Yandex metrika)

21.10.2020 18:47
User kupaladen
Name: Denis Fedorov
Posts: 64
Sending statistics when pressing the "ORDER_FINISH" button. (for Google analytics & Yandex metrika)

I need to send a javascript event on click the "ORDER_FINISH" button at "checkout-steps/step5".
Event onclick is: "ym (123456, 'reachGoal', 'ORDER_FINISH_BUTTON'); return true;"
But you already have a "return" value for this button in your code (previewfinish.php):

<div class="box_button">
<?php print $this->_tmp_ext_html_previewfinish_before_button?>
<input class="btn btn-primary button" type="submit" name="finish_registration" value="<?php print _JSHOP_ORDER_FINISH?>" onclick="return checkAGBAndNoReturn('<?php echo $this->config->display_agb;?>','<?php echo $this->no_return?>');" />

How do I add one more value for "return"? Obviously, I need to create an array of return values, but I'm not a programmer and don't understand php syntax ...

I beg You to help with the working code!

Joomla: last
JoomShopping: last
PHP: 7.3

Last change: 21.10.2020 18:49
22.10.2020 13:58
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25965
Aw: Sending statistics when pressing the "ORDER_FINISH" button. (for Google analytics & Yandex metrika)

<div class="box_button">
<?php print $this->_tmp_ext_html_previewfinish_before_button?>
<input class="btn btn-primary button" type="submit" name="finish_registration" value="<?php print _JSHOP_ORDER_FINISH?>" onclick="ym (123456, 'reachGoal', 'ORDER_FINISH_BUTTON');return checkAGBAndNoReturn('<?php echo $this->config->display_agb;?>','<?php echo $this->no_return?>');" />

22.10.2020 17:34
User kupaladen
Name: Denis Fedorov
Posts: 64
Aw: Sending statistics when pressing the "ORDER_FINISH" button. (for Google analytics & Yandex metrika)

Thanks! It's easier than I expected!


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