Option / payment / paypal
Verify data after PayPal RETURN: N
Configuration / general
Save info to Logfile: Y
Save info Payment to Logfile: Y
Folder logs
Payment info log
Example 1. paymentdata.log [ok]
2014-09-08 10:40:19 url: /index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step7&act=notify&js_paymentclass=pm_paypal&no_lang=1
mc_gross=5.84 - order total
invoice=6287 - order id
payment_status=Pending - status paypal
custom=6287 - order id
pending_reason=multi_currency - status paypal reason
item_name=Order number 00006287 - order number
mc_currency=USD - order currency
Example 2. paymentdata.log [error]
(Not exist row /index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step7&act=notify&js_paymentclass=pm_paypal&no_lang=1)
Paypal not send notify or your server block nofity.
Enable paypal IPN
set url

See paypal ipn log (website paypal)
Last change: 18.10.2023 14:44