Joomshopping 3.19.0

15.09.2014 08:06
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26872
Joomshopping 3.19.0

Fixed errors when creating menu items.

If you are installing the module and plug-in - error.

formatprice_style_currency_span = 1; - Currency in span
adm_prod_list_default_sorting - default sorting table Products in the admin

Updated to work with payment systems
Ability to save transaction
Ability to create many payment systems - using 1 class

Option Shop mode: normal / developer
mode: developer:
Ability to browse log files
Change payment type for payment systems
View order transactions

If the result of the filter items 0 - displays a message

For developers, added many new triggers.

Last change: 15.09.2014 08:17

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