JoomShopping 4.0.0 for Joomla 3

11.10.2012 21:54
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JoomShopping 4.0.0 for Joomla 3
Test JoomShopping 4.0.0 B4

31.10.2012 06:44
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Ronnie Beck
Posts: 1
Aw: JoomShopping 4.0.0 for Joomla 3

I had a quick look at JoomShop V4 on Jooml3. It looks nice and it seems to work well. But what I can't work out is, what is actually new? Is this simply JoomShop V3 modified to work with Joomla3 or are the some hidden cool new features that I didn't spot?

What I have been hoping for some time is:
- Better and clearer configuration options. Currently many of the configuration options are esoteric or simply too short to understand what they do.
- Better error messages. Some error messages from JoomShop are just plain pathetic. Look at this one for example:
What on earth does "error business" mean and how does that message help anyone? Enabling logs won't help a customer of your shop and it won't encourage them to contact you (the shop owner) for help.
- Documentation for 3rd Party module/plugin development. I didn't find any documentation for writing plugins. Right now I am forced to crawl through JoomShop code to try and guess how a plugin should be written. Some of the data models are pretty bad. The product data model is way too confusing.
- Better coding conventions e.g. product::getDescription() doesn't return a description. Actually it doesn't return anything. How can it be a "get" function if it doesn't return anything?
- Easier support. It is clear Joomshop is a great product and is very much loved. But the support provided in the forums by MAXXMARKETING is often quite insulting or unhelpful. No one expects the people of MAXXMARKETING to give the product and support (both) for free. But with documentation or even simply better code comments. The community would have a chance to help themselves and each other if internals were easier to understand.
- Plugable/modifiable product models. The default product model is great for simple web stores but if you want to do anything even remotely different, your stuck. The product data model is fixed. So either you bolt on some self made plugin (for which there is no documentation to help you to write) and enrich the JoomShop product model or simply bypass it yourself.
- Change log. What has changed or been fixed since the last version? This is really important!

Not sure if the number "4" was really justified in this new version. There is no description of what has changed nor is it obvious what has changed. Version 3 and version 4 look almost identical, if you exclude the new look and feel thanks to Joomla 3.


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