There is a logical problem in the module "coupon extra fields".
We want to use a coupon for a special product (product-id). the coupon gives an discount of xx.xx €.
You can use the code only with this product - that works so far. But if I put in another product - an then delete the original discounted product - the coupon still remains in the cart. Thats wrong!
Product A = 100€
[adding Coupon]
Product A = 100€ / Coupon for A = 20€ / Sum 80€ (correct)
[adding Product B]
Product A = 100€ / Product B = 10€ / Coupon for A = 20€ / Sum 90€ (correct)
[deleting Product A]
Product B = 10€ / Coupon for A = 20€ / Sum 00€ (wrong!)
How can I fix this?
Thanx for help.
Joomla: 3.6.4
JoomShopping: 4.15.0
PHP: 5.6.28
MySQL: 5.1.73
JoomShopping: 4.15.0
PHP: 5.6.28
MySQL: 5.1.73