Requires instructions for updating to a Joomshopping 5.

03.11.2021 00:57
User kupaladen
Name: Denis Fedorov
Posts: 64
Requires instructions for updating to a Joomshopping 5.

Please give us instructions and recommendations for updating working sites from JS4.18.7 to JS5.x
Will it be painless to upgrade large stores with a large number of products?
What to update first, Joomla or Joomshopping?


03.11.2021 07:21
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 26872
Aw: Requires instructions for updating to a Joomshopping 5.

1. Update Joomla
2. Update Joomshopping

If you are using plugins or addons, see if they support Joomshopping 5.0.0


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