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Aw: PayPal Pro config problem
If you don't use the addon Paypal API.
You can change it to another one.
Write to me.
admin Configuration 12.09.2024
Aw: PayPal Pro config problem
How do I go about request a refund for the two, now unused add-ons?

I can provide order numbers
Donethat Configuration 12.09.2024
Aw: PayPal Pro config problem
I have abandoned this particular add-on, PayPal API. Just seems to be one problem after another.

I have opted instead to go for 'PayPal Advanced Checkout' which just works, which is what one really wants.
Donethat Configuration 12.09.2024
Aw: PayPal Pro config problem
Wow, that was easy, thank you. Why are those instructions somewhere obvious?

I do appear to have a new problem which I'm guessing is to do with the SSL certificate needing to be upgraded, "Error. Security header is not valid".

Is there a plugin for PayPal that allows direct payments, non-account holders, on the PayPal platform instead of the website?
Donethat Configuration 12.09.2024
Aw: PayPal Pro config problem
Paypal :
Account Settings / API access / NVP/SOAP API Integration (Classic)
API signature
admin Configuration 11.09.2024
PayPal Pro config problem
The extension requires API Username, API Password and Signature.

However when acquiring API credentials from the PayPal account what is given is App Name, Client ID, and Secret.

Has something changed recently? Even the PayPal documentation is far from clear.

Note that the keys have changed since the screen cap was taken
Donethat Configuration 11.09.2024
Aw: PayPal V2 Interface
admin - 23.07.2024 22:12
You haven't bought anything from us.

Yeah! Before I can buy I have to know if PayPal V2 is (or will be) available or not.
Rusty Shipping / Payment 24.07.2024
Aw: PayPal V2 Interface
You haven't bought anything from us.
admin Shipping / Payment 23.07.2024
Aw: PayPal V2 Interface
PayPal says V1 is deprecated. Maybe it's time to change some things. :)

Rusty Shipping / Payment 23.07.2024
Aw: Paypal Bitte kehren Sie zum Händler zurück
url product (without error)?
url product (with error)?
test login?
admin Configuration 04.07.2024
Aw: Paypal Bitte kehren Sie zum Händler zurück
Contact to PayPal support.
admin Configuration 01.07.2024
Aw: Paypal Bitte kehren Sie zum Händler zurück
Seller: Deutschland
Byer: Deutschland

Der Effekt tritt auf wenn der Preis z.B. 7,80 € ist. Bei Summe >20 € klappt alles.
buttgereit Configuration 01.07.2024
Aw: Paypal Bitte kehren Sie zum Händler zurück
seller country?
buyer country?
admin Configuration 28.06.2024
Paypal Bitte kehren Sie zum Händler zurück
Wenn ich einen Kauf tätige erscheint folgende Meldung: Paypal Bitte kehren Sie zum Händler zurück

Was kann ich tun???
buttgereit Configuration 28.06.2024
Aw: PayPal V2 Interface
Currently, none.
There are no shutdown dates for version 1
admin Shipping / Payment 27.06.2024
Aw: PayPal V2 Interface
An addon is being planned @admin?
spike77 Shipping / Payment 27.06.2024
Aw: PayPal V2 Interface
Oh, sorry. :)
We don't currently use it with JS at all (currently another system). But we are evaluating a switch to JS and are currently checking whether this will work. Unfortunately, we have not yet found any information as to whether, for example, the PayPal Advanced add-on ( already works with PayPal V2.
Rusty Shipping / Payment 20.06.2024
Aw: PayPal V2 Interface
Rusty - 20.06.2024 08:41
*push it*

Same here - we had a call from a PayPal employee urgently recommending that we switch to PayPal V2 because V1 will be deactivated "soon".

addon ??
admin Shipping / Payment 20.06.2024
Aw: PayPal V2 Interface
*push it*

Same here - we had a call from a PayPal employee urgently recommending that we switch to PayPal V2 because V1 will be deactivated "soon".
Rusty Shipping / Payment 20.06.2024
Aw: PayPal Advanced Checkout

besten Danke das hat funktioniert.

Beste Gürße
jswebschmiede Commercial extensions 13.06.2024
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